Tuesday, February 14, 2017

10 ways to worship God

Happy Valentine's Day y'all! Though you may not have your one true valentine, always remember how much GOD LOVES YOU! I know it's hard to remember that sometimes, but it is true! I make sure to never forget it! I know you may be thinking "How do I incorporate God into my everyday life, when I already have a totally packed schedule?" Well, what would you say if I told you I'm giving you 10 ways to worship God that can take less than 15 minutes each day! Think- that's 15 minutes you could be spending on your phone, waiting in the Starbucks line or online shopping. I admit- I am guilty of ALL these things! But I make sure to set aside time to worship God everyday- and you can too!
  1. Pray- Praying is totally up to you- however you want to do it! we all pray differently
  2. Write- You can write prayers, a list of things you're thankful god has given you, letters to god- anything really!
  3. Draw- You can draw out verses, (I LOVE John 3:16, Matthew 5:14, Genesis 21:22 and Romans 8:18- SO MANY MORE!) 
  4. Sing- If you like to sing, you can sing out songs you hear in church (if you attend), look some up on YouTube, or even write your own
  5. Dance- you can also dance to these songs! 
  6. Bible Journal- I recently started bible journaling and I love it! You can do 1 page, or 20! Totally up to you! It's also a great way to be creative when writing! (I prefer bibles with wide margins for this reason!)
  7. Read- You can read daily devotionals, or blog posts and such, or just read the bible!
  8. Do activities on your phone- I use the Holy Bible app and love it! That way, I can read the daily bible verse and you can start plans to read devotionals, too!
  9.  Spread God's Word- You can always tell your friends about God, and how he impacts your life in so many ways. It can change their life, you know.
  10. Go to some form of church- I know this one might not work for all of your busy schedules, but I go to a Youth Group and I enjoy it so much! You can also watch YouTube videos to inspire you and it always makes me feel good too!
Hope y'all enjoyed this post! I'll hopefully be putting up a Valentine's Day Review tomorrow!

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